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Alejandro Flores

Alejandro Flores

Affiliated Researcher

Full Professor and Head of the Academic Department of Administration. Researcher in innovation management and competitive strategy. He has a doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences and an MBA from the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain), and a degree in Administration from the Universidad del Pacífico. He has completed specialization studies at Harvard Business School, INCAE, Adolfo Ibáñez University and the Instituto de Empresa.


What drives new product innovation in China? An integrative strategy tripod approach

What drives new product innovation in China? An integrative strategy tripod approach

Heredia, J., Yang, X., Flores, A., Rubiños, C., and Heredia, W. (2020). What drives new product innovation in China? An integrative strategy tripod approach. Thunderbird International Business Review, 1–17.

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