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Martín Monsalve

Martín Monsalve

Affiliated Researcher

Head of the Academic Department of Administration and Full Professor at Universidad del Pacífico. Academic Visitor at the University of Oxford from 2018 to 2019. Former President of the Universidad del Pacífico Press and former Director of the Apuntes social sciences journal published by CIU. PhD and Master’s in History with a specialty in Latin America (State University of New York at Stony Brook).


From Undesirable Immigrants to Prosperous Merchants: Chinese and Palestinians in Southern Peru (1900s–1930s)

From Undesirable Immigrants to Prosperous Merchants: Chinese and Palestinians in Southern Peru (1900s–1930s)

Palma, P., Carrasco, J. and Monsalve, Martín (2023). From Undesirable Immigrants to Prosperous Merchants: Chinese and Palestinians in Southern Peru (1900s–1930s), Immigrants & Minorities

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