About Us

Nifta Lau

Nifta Lau

Researcher at the Center for China and Asia Pacific Studies

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for China Asia-Pacific Studies of Universidad delPacífico.Doctorin “International Politics” by Fudan University (China). She received her M.A. in “Politics” (Chinese Politics, Foreign Policy and International Relations) from Tsinghua University (China); and her B.A. in“International Relations” from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico). Former research fellow at the Center for Chinese-Mexican Studies (CECHIMEX) of the Faculty of Economics at the UNAM.She has collaborated as a researcher in the Economic and Social Division of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization(GEIDCO) in China. Her research interests are: Chinese foreign policy, China-Latin America relations, and migration and the Chinese diaspora, with an interest in ethnic business networks and the impact of diaspora policies on transnational relations.



La Agenda 2030 en Perú y el diálogo con la República Popular China

La Agenda 2030 en Perú y el diálogo con la República Popular China

Lau, N. (2024). La Agenda 2030 en Perú y el diálogo con la República Popular China.

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Autonomy in Tibet: From Central Normativity to Local Praxis

Autonomy in Tibet: From Central Normativity to Local Praxis

León, R. and Lau, N. (2023). Autonomy in Tibet: From Central Normativity to Local Praxis.

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Descentralización y la atracción de donaciones, remesas e inversión de transnacionales en la República Popular China: análisis del caso de Taishan, Guangdong

Descentralización y la atracción de donaciones, remesas e inversión de transnacionales en la República Popular China: análisis del caso de Taishan, Guangdong

Lau, N. (2023). Descentralización y la atracción de donaciones, remesas e inversión de transnacionales en la República Popular China: análisis del caso de Taishan, Guangdong.

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Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities

Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities

Lau, N. (2022). Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities

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Imaxe de China no exterior e diplomacia das máscaras en América Latina: o papel das asociacións chinesas durante a pandemia da Covid-19

Imaxe de China no exterior e diplomacia das máscaras en América Latina: o papel das asociacións chinesas durante a pandemia da Covid-19

Lau, N. (2022). China's image abroad and mask diplomacy in Latin America: The role of chinese associations during the Covid-19 pandemic

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Diásporas, redes étnicas e inversión china en México

Diásporas, redes étnicas e inversión china en México

Lau, N. (2022). Diásporas, redes étnicas e inversión china en México.

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