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Oxana Skalnaya

Oxana Skalnaya

Affiliated Researcher

Researcher specialized in Chinese business culture, Confucian business ethics, Chinese society and cross-cultural business communications. Studied and worked in Taiwan, as well as mainland China for 11 years. Has extensive experience in business development and scientific project management in Asia. Received her bachelor’s degree in international relations and Chinese language (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Master’s in business administration specialized in marketing (National Taiwan University) and is currently finishing her PhD thesis on Chinese business ethics (Tomsk State University, Russia).



“Guanxi Management” and “Facework” in Modern Chinese Business Culture

“Guanxi Management” and “Facework” in Modern Chinese Business Culture

Skalnaya, O. (2024). “Guanxi Management” and “Facework” in Modern Chinese Business Culture. Centro de Estudios sobre China y Asia-Pacífico, Lima: Universidad del Pacífico.

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