Development of Technological Capacities on the Internet of Things, Domotics, and 5G at Universidad del Pacifico


This research project aims to develop the capabilities of UP engineering students in the handling and knowledge of new technologies such as internet of things, demotics, and 5G connections, with regard to the technical aspects (how they work) and their business applications. It also seeks to explore potential applications (such as collaboration and technology transfer) that could translate into future hardware-based projects or ventures aimed at improving the performance of organizations as well as societal wellbeing. Another aim of the project is to implement a university laboratory focused on these technologies for research and development. University laboratories play a vital role in society, exposing students to different technologies and encouraging their adoption under the guidance of professors and experts. Ultimately, this will benefit Peru’s competitiveness.

Participating institutions:

  • Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies

Main researchers:

Michelle Rodríguez

Michelle Rodríguez

Affiliated Researcher

Christian Libaque

Christian Libaque

Research Affiliate

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