Efectos de la Actividad Minera de las Empresas Chinas sobre las Firmas en el Perú


This project uses firm-level data to address the effects of Chinese mining activity on Peruvian firms, focusing on company georeferencing and considering distance as a crucial factor. The methodology employs event analysis to evaluate the impact of the opening of Chinese mines in terms of sales, employment, debt, and credit rating. In addition, variation in the effects across different areas of influence is explored while the performance of Chinese companies is compared with that of their Western-owned counterparts. The research questions focus on the effects of mine openings and changes in mineral prices. The project seeks to provide credible estimates of the influence of Chinese mining activity on the Peruvian economy, and is relevant for both public policy and academia in the context of China’s growing presence in Latin America.

Participating institutions:

  • Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies

Main researchers:

Antonio Cusato

Antonio Cusato

Affiliated Researcher

Jorge Chávez

Jorge Chávez

Affiliated Researcher

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