> Conference Document

Analysis on the Challenges of Globalization, the Growing Role of China in the World Economy and Politics, and the Dynamism of the Asia–Pacific region

Chen, D. (2018). Analysis on the Challenges of Globalization, the Growing Role of China in the World Economy and Politics, and the Dynamism of the Asia–Pacific region. En China and Asia-Pacific in Globalization: Trends and Challenges (No. 2018–1; Conference Documents Series of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Universidad del Pacífico). https://cechap.up.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/caratua-cheng.pdf

Analysis on the Challenges of Globalization, the Growing Role of China in the World Economy and Politics, and the Dynamism of the Asia–Pacific region

This publication of the series of Conference Papers of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies centers in the participation of Professor Chen Dongxiao, Ph.D. and president of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies in the International Conference “China and Asia-Pacific in Globalization: Trends and Challenges” held by our center, the Diplomatic Academy of Peru and the SIIS in September, 2018. Professor Chen Dongxiao displays the way Chinese government perceives and addresses its relations with the world, both bilateral relations and the diplomatic agenda of the Asian country. The document has three sections. The first explores the chinese perspective of the great changes occurring in the world. The second centers in China’s diplomatic agenda for the future and how it combines fundamental principles with adaptation to the current context. It is also about joint partnerships between China and various economies to achieve cooperation that results in mutual benefits in an uncertain era.

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