> Working Paper

Diásporas, redes étnicas e inversión china en México

Lau, N. (2022). Diásporas, redes étnicas e inversión china en México. https://dusselpeters.com/CECHIMEX/20220928_5_CECHIMEX_Diasporas_redes_etnicas_inversion_China_Mex_Nifta_Ibarias.pdf

Diásporas, redes étnicas e inversión china en México

This study identifies a number of aspects concerning the different social capital dimensions of the Chinese diaspora in Mexico, all which have implications in the attraction and facilitation of Chinese investment. Taking as the object of study the local Chinese associations, the document signals the pathways via which these groups can promote the development of businesses.
It is observed that some of the challenges faced by Chinese MNEs when investing in Mexico are in its majority of discriminatory and informational character. On the one hand, this is closely linked to the capability of Chinese entrepreneurs to establish ties −formal and informal− and access/leverage local social networks in order to reduce their liabilities of foreignness in the target country. On this, especially for Chinese SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs, the use of intermediaries appears a key resource that allows them to acquire relevant local information −institutional, cultural, social, and business-wise− and develop valuable links with the local government that facilitates and encourages investment flows.

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