> Working Paper

Hacia la industria 4.0 alrededor del puerto de Chancay. Lecciones desde corredores económicos de China, Malasia y Tailandia en la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta

Narrea, O. (2024). Hacia la industria 4.0 alrededor del puerto de Chancay. Lecciones desde corredores económicos de China, Malasia y Tailandia en la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta https://cechap.up.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/UP-Cechap-DocTrab-Chancay-OmarNarrea-VF-9ago2024.pdf

Hacia la industria 4.0  alrededor del puerto de Chancay. Lecciones desde corredores económicos de China, Malasia y Tailandia  en la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta

The Chancay mega port cannot only consolidate Peru as a transpacific hub and strengthen its export chains, but also opens the possibility of moving towards industry 4.0. This working paper analyzes how this port can promote a new industrialization model in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. It is partially based on a study trip to the ports of Kuantan (Malaysia), Laem Chabang (Thailand) and Qinzhou (China), to learn how these countries develop economic corridors to maximize port benefits. Ten lessons were identified in areas such as industrial parks and special economic zones, besides the role of cities in economic competitiveness. These lessons guided the formulation of four recommendations to achieve industrial development around the port of Chancay, along with a proposed roadmap with actions to move towards industry 4.0.

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