> CECHAP Event

Delegation from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visits CECHAP

On February 23, the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies (CECHAP) received representatives from the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Wahid Fairuz, first secretary and head of the Protocol and Consular Section at the Embassy of Indonesia to Peru; Ms. E. Riris Wusananingdyah, director for American affairs II at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Dinda Pranasetya Djojonegoro, deputy director for American Affairs II; Ms. Ourina Ritonga, secretary of the Directorate General of American and European Affairs; Indira Muhammad Suhyar, officer for American affairs II; and Rima Dyah Pramudyawati, also officer for American affairs II. The Indonesian delegation was received by Felipe Portocarrero, president of the UP; Cynthia Sanborn, director of CECHAP; and José Carlos Feliciano, the center’s deputy director.

On the agenda were collaborative academic exchange initiatives with Indonesian universities, as well as the organization of the Indonesia–Latin America and the Caribbean Business Forum (INALAC 2024) to be held in Lima in the coming months.

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