> External Event

The Center is participating in the LASA 2024 Congress in Bogota, Colombia

From June 12 to 15, the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) takes place under the title ‘Reaction and Resistance: Imagining Possible Futures in the Americas’ at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia.

This year, four researchers from #CECHAP participated in various sessions and panels, including two sessions under the title “Presencia de China en América Latina: Miradas Multidisciplinarias.”[i]  Coordinated by the Millennium Nucleus on the Impacts of China in Latin America and the Caribbean (ICLAC), both sessions featured young researchers from Argentina, Chile, and Peru who presented new studies on various aspects of the Asian giant’s presence in our societies, economies, and territories. They addressed not only trade and investment issues but also cultural, environmental, and labor aspects.

The researchers from #CECHAP made the following presentations:

  • Leolino Dourado: “Chinese construction contracting in the Global South: analyzing the effects of international politics on their spatial distribution”
  • Antonio José Pagán: “Assessing the new era of geopolitical realities: China’s academic debates on the Sino–Latin American relationship in the Past Five Years (2018–2022)”
  • Omar Manky: “Didi Chuxing and the Platform Economy in Latin America: A Labor Perspective from Peru”
  • Nifta Lau: “Reconsiderando el impacto de las inversiones chinas en infraestructura en América Latina: el caso del Parque Fotovoltaico Solar Caucharí y el desarrollo de las comunidades locales”[ii]

Cynthia Ann Sanborn, Director of CECHAP and Senior Advisor at ICLAC, also participated as a commentator in the second session as well as in the workshop ‘Peru after Castillo: Democratic Abuses, Political Turmoil, and Popular Dismay.’

We highlight the contributions of Lau, Dourado, and Pagán for their participation and for receiving the scholarship ICLAC-LASA 2024, aimed at financially supporting researchers attending the conference.


[i] “China’s Presence in Latin America: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.”

[ii]Reconsidering the Impact of Chinese Infrastructure Investments in Latin America: The Case of the Cauchari Solar Photovoltaic Park and the Development of Local Communities

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