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Autonomy in Tibet: From Central Normativity to Local Praxis
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The Economic Growth of China and the Special Economic Zones in the Belt and Road Initiative
Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies (2023). The Economic Growth of China and the Special Economic Zones in the Belt and Road Initiative
Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities
Lau, N. (2022). Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities
¿Más allá de Chancay-Shanghái? Explorando los escenarios para pasar de enclaves mineros a un corredor multipropósito inter-regional
Narrea, O. & Martínez, E. (2021). ¿Más allá de Chancay-Shanghai? Explorando los escenarios para pasar de enclaves mineros a un corredor multipropósito interregional. XXI Concurso Anual de Investigación CIES 2019
Imaxe de China no exterior e diplomacia das máscaras en América Latina: o papel das asociacións chinesas durante a pandemia da Covid-19
Lau, N. (2022). China's image abroad and mask diplomacy in Latin America: The role of chinese associations during the Covid-19 pandemic
Latin American Scholars Home In on Relations with China
Stallings, B. and Sanborn, C. (2023). Latin American Scholars Home In on Relations with China
Restraining China: Limits and potential of US alliances
Pagán, A. (2023). Restraining China: Limits and potential of US alliances
From Undesirable Immigrants to Prosperous Merchants: Chinese and Palestinians in Southern Peru (1900s–1930s)
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