Puertos y Zonas Económicas Especiales en Asia: ¿Qué podemos aprender para el caso de Shanghái-Chancay?
This research project focuses explores the territorial relations that would arise from the establishment of the new Chancay Port—which looks set to become one of the main commercial hubs in the Americas, creating a Chancay-Shanghai connection under the Belt and Road Initiative. The study has two main fronts. The first is an analysis of the role of Chancay Port in regional development, which involves identifying production chains and centers in the hinterland that could exploit the improved access to markets in Asia. The second addresses the opportunities for creating value chains through special economic zones. To this end, it seeks to identify the productive, trade, and environmental policies that should be implemented in these economic zones to hasten the achievement of their objectives.
Participating institutions:
- Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies
Main researchers:
Omar Narrea
Researcher at the Center for China and Asia Pacific Studies