> Conference Document

Japan’s Trade Strategy in the 21st Century and Economic Partnership with Latin American Countries Revisited

Watanabe, Y. (2018). Japan’s Trade Strategy in the 21st Century and Economic Partnership with Latin American Countries Revisited (No. 2018–1; Conference Documents Series of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Universidad del Pacífico). https://cechap.up.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/5.-Watanabe-1.pdf

Japan’s Trade Strategy in the 21st Century and Economic Partnership with Latin American Countries Revisited

This publication of the series of conference documents of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies highlights the participation of Professor Watanabe Yorizumi, who did a bachelor’s and a master’s degree and was a doctoral candidate at Sophia University of Tokyo. The Center organized this conference with the same title as Professor Watanabe’s presentation in the Embassy of Japan in Peru in August 2018. The professor details the impact of Brexit and the American trade war in Japan. He divides the world economy into three mega-regions: Asia, America and Europe and talks about market integration in each of these regions. He also describes the interregional cooperation frameworks that link these markets and their possible consequences in the World Trade Organization (WTO). The professor mentions the Free Trade Areas (FTA) in which Japan participates with economies in the Asian region and others around the world. In addition, he refers to the commercial impact of the Trump administration and the Japanese reaction to it. The document ends by explaining the strengthening of trade relations between Japan and Latin America through the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and the Pacific Alliance.

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