Korea’s Economy in the Global Context
Yoo, D. (2019). Korea’s Economy in the Global Context. In En Perú-Corea: Foro Internacional sobre Comercio e Inversión. (No. 2019–3; Conference Documents Series of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Universidad del Pacífico). https://cechap.up.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/3.-Yoo-Dasun-VF_KH_VL_FL_protegido-1-1.pdf
This publication “Korea’s Economy in the Global Context” that took place in April 2019, conference Document of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies 2019-3, is based on the presentation made at the event co-organized with the Institute of Hispanic Studies of Korea University, “Peru-Korea: International Forum on Trade and Investment ”. Here is detailed the research of Professor Yoo Dasun, Ph.D., Professor and Research at the Korea University Business School. In her presentation, Professor Yoo spells out the main determinants of Korea’s economic growth in terms of innovation, fiscal and financial soundness, and global trade volume. Likewise, she highlighted the leading role that Korea plays in the development of key markets such as telephony, energy and chemicals. As part of Korea’s progress since 1950, since it established a model that encouraged the creation of companies in strategic sectors and the liberalization of the economy, it details the evolution of the Gross National Income per Capita, the main Korean companies by sector and the Korean network of FTAs. Subsequently, it is specified that one of the main challenges for Korea in the future is to reduce its commercial dependence on certain industries, in which they stand out, and its most important trading partners, such as the United States or the People´s Republic of China. In the same way, another challenge to consider is to expand commercial diversification, in order to boost its production oriented to international markets.