> Conference Document

REDAP Bicentennial: Contributions to the Agenda for Peru’s Relations with Asia-Pacific in the 21st century

Centro de Estudios sobre China y Asia-Pacífico de la Universidad del Pacífico, y Red Peruana para Estudios del Asia-Pacífico (2021). REDAP Bicentenario: Aportes para la Agenda de Relaciones del Perú con Asia- Pacífico en el siglo XXI (No. 2021-1; Conference Document Series of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Universidad del Pacífico). https://cechap.up.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/Documento-de-Conferencia_REDAP_Final___.pdf

REDAP Bicentennial: Contributions to the Agenda for Peru’s Relations with Asia-Pacific in the 21st century

This publication in the Conference Document Series of the Center for Studies on China and Asia-Pacific of Universidad del Pacífico and the Peruvian Network for Asia-Pacific Studies (REDAP) – 2021, summarizes the 17 participations of distinguished speakers who present their analysis and ideas in regards of the connection agenda between Peru and the Asia-Pacific region, on July 8th and 9th, 2021. Among the distinguished speakers of this conference, we can find the ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and Tourism (Government), the general manager of COMEXPERU (Business sector) and 14 professors and researchers from REDAP member universities (Academia). In the framework of the Bicentennial year, this publication contributes to the debate of ideas and reflections about the international economic insertion of Peru with emphasis in the Asia-Pacific Region.

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