The Utilization of Trade Preferences under the Peru-China FTA


The use of the tariff preferences activated by FTAs is not automatic. Exporters decide whether or not to take advantage of tariff reductions; and if they do, they will necessarily incur additional costs. For example, in Chile (Ulloa & Wagner, 2013) the average usage of tariff preferences stood at around 66% when the country’s FTA with the US came into force. Over the next three years, the rate plateaued at around 80%. In the Peruvian case, although several of these  agreements came into being over a decade ago, next to nothing is known about the subject. This project draws on the available data at firm level to study the use of trade preferences arising from the FTA between Peru and China. The aim is to contribute to the public policy debate on export promotion, the diversification of Peru’s export supply, and productivity growth.

Participating institutions:

  • Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies

Main researchers:

Antonio CUSATO

Antonio CUSATO

Researcher in the Universidad del Pacífico Research Center and full-time professor in the Academic Department of Economics at the same University.


Jorge Chávez

Academic Department of Economics at Universidad del Pacífico


The Utilization of Trade Preferences under the Peru-China FTA

The Utilization of Trade Preferences under the Peru-China FTA

Chávez, J. and Cusato, A. (2022). Working Paper N°4. Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies, Universidad del Pacífico.

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