
La Agenda 2030 en Perú y el diálogo con la República Popular China

Lau, N. (2024). La Agenda 2030 en Perú y el diálogo con la República Popular China.

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Presencia de consideraciones medioambientales en la literatura académica china sobre la relación China-América Latina (2018-2022)

Pagán, A. (2024). Presencia de consideraciones medioambientales en la literatura académica china sobre la relación China-América Latina (2018-2022)

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Riding the Pacific Ocean with Chinese infrastructure. The Chancay Port.

Narrea, O. (2024). Riding the Pacific Ocean with Chinese infrastructure. The Chancay Port. En. Alter, Joseph; James A. Cook & Dussel Peters, Enrique. Connecting China, Latin America, and the Caribbean: Infrastructure and Everyday Life. University of Pittsburgh Press

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Digitalization in China: Current Status, Trends and Case Studies

Feliciano, J. (2023). Digitalization in China: Current Status, Trends and Case Studies

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Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities

Lau, N. (2022). Evaluating Chinese Economic Engagement in Latin America (2003-2019): Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities

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The end of the “geopolitical vacation”: impact of the war in Ukraine on relations between the European Union and China

Pagán, A. (2023). The end of the “geopolitical vacation”: impact of the war in Ukraine on relations between the European Union and China. En: Europe and its Eastern countries, in particular Armenia.

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The China-Peru relationship under China’s new economic paradigm

Arrieta, G. (2021). The China-Peru relationship under China’s new economic paradigm. In Kellner, T. and Wintgens, S. China-Latin America and the Caribbean: Assessment and Outlook. pp. 156-169. Routledge: London.

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The Chinese Presidency of the Group of 20 and its Cooperation Policy with Latin America: Perspectives for Peru.

Santa Gadea, R. (2019). La Presidencia China del Grupo de los 20 y su Política de Cooperación con América Latina: Perspectivas para el Perú. In J. Alcalde, C. Alden, A. Guerra-Barón and Á. Méndez (Eds.), La Conexión China en la Política Exterior del Perú en el Siglo XXI (pp. 167–195). Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la PUCP and London School of Economics - Global South Unit (IDEAS).

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The Belt and Road Initiative and Peru: Strategic Vision from the Perspective of South American Physical Integration and Competitive Insertion in Asia-Pacific

Santa Gadea, R. (2018). La Franja y la Ruta y el Perú: Visión Estratégica desde la Perspectiva de la Integración Física Sudamericana y la Inserción Competitiva en Asia-Pacífico. In G. Cunhai and C. Mera (Eds.), La Franja y la Ruta y América Latina: Nuevas Oportunidades y Nuevos Desafíos (pp. 403–457). Beijing: China Intercontinental Press y CECLA.

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The Belt and Road Initiative and Peru: Strategic Vision from the Perspective of South American Physical Integration and Competitive Insertion in Asia-Pacific

Santa Gadea, R. (2018). The Belt and Road Initiative and Peru: Strategic Vision from the Perspective of South American Physical Integration and Competitive Insertion in Asia-Pacific. In G. Cunhai (Ed.), The Belt and Road Initiative and Latin America: New Opportunities and New Challenges (pp. 222–255). Blossom Press.

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