
The center seeks to position the Universidad del Pacífico as a space for knowledge and training on the most relevant issues in China and Asia-Pacific and their presence in the world.

> Workshop

China in Latin America: Migration, Investment and International Relations (2024-1)

This workshop contributes to the development of students’ research skills through the critical analysis of the diverse manifestations of the Chinese presence in Latin America. Emphasis will be placed on topics such as: the history of Chinese migration to the region and Peru, the diversity of migrant groups, the legacies they have left in our societies, the types of association that many Chinese communities have created, and their relationship with trade and political relations with China.

Cynthia Sanborn

Cynthia Sanborn

Nifta Lau

Nifta Lau

  • Año 2024 / Ciclo 1
> Courses

Contemporary China: Society, Politics, and International Relations (2024-1)

This course looks at the world from the other side of the Pacific. The People’s Republic of China is one of the great actors on the world stage if the 21st century, but also one of the least known to those of us on the outside. To understand China’s  international role, this course presents formative moments in its recent past, reviews its relations with the countries and regions of the world, and casts a glance at Chinese relations with Latin America in general and Peru in particular. The course draws on political, journalistic, literary, and artistic materials, including Chinese authors in translation, to better understand China from the inside.

Antonio José Pagán

Antonio José Pagán

Leolino Dourado

Leolino Dourado

  • Año 2024 / Ciclo 1
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> Courses

Academic Research (2024-1)

This is a formative course whose purpose is to promote among students the interest in the systematic generation of knowledge (academic research), and to stimulate the development of the necessary skills to conduct it. The objective of the course is for students to design an academic research and each student is expected to elaborate a research proposal throughout the semester.

Antonio José Pagán

Antonio José Pagán

  • Año 2024 / Ciclo 1
> Courses

International Marketing in China and Asia-Pacific (2024-1)

The course gives students the opportunity to identify the key elements of international marketing management, including cultural, economic, political, technological, and demographic variables in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the Chinese market given its characteristics and future trends. To this end, the course will promote critical thinking and creative problem-solving by incorporating an intercultural approach and an adaptive perspective to debates and discussions on market cases, articles, and other content related to marketing in China.

José Carlos Feliciano Nishikawa

José Carlos Feliciano Nishikawa

  • Año 2024 / Ciclo 1
> Workshop

China-Latin America Relations: Case Studies in Economics, Politics and Business (2023-2)

This workshop contributes to the development of research skills through the critical reading of various theories and arguments on the relations between China and Latin America, and the preparation of case study proposals in the fields of Economics, Politics or Business. To this end, it aims to guide students in the critical analysis of these debates and in the elaboration of their own research proposal within the general framework of these relations.

Cynthia Sanborn

Cynthia Sanborn

Antonio Pagán

Antonio Pagán

  • Año 2023 / Ciclo 02
> Courses

International Marketing in China and Asia-Pacific (2023-1)

The course gives students the opportunity to identify the key elements of international marketing management, including cultural, economic, political, technological, and demographic variables in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the Chinese market given its characteristics and future trends. To this end, the course will promote critical thinking and creative problem-solving by incorporating an intercultural approach and an adaptive perspective to debates and discussions on market cases, articles, and other content related to marketing in China.

José Carlos Feliciano Nishikawa

José Carlos Feliciano Nishikawa

  • Año 2023 / Ciclo 1

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